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More than 80 travelers have died in Congo after their boat capsized, the president says

Congo’s president says more than 80 travelers have died after their boat capsized on a river near the capital of Kinshasa The Congolese president, Félix Tshisekedi, has reported that over 80 people have died after their boat capsized near the capital of Kinshasa, near the city of the capital, Congo, due to overloading. This is the latest deadly boat accident in the central African country where overloading is often blamed for the deaths. The locally made boat carrying over 100 passengers capsized late Monday in Maï-Ndombe province as it carried over 100 people.

More than 80 travelers have died in Congo after their boat capsized, the president says

Publié : Il y a 2 semaines par Associated Press dans World

KINSHASA, Congo — (AP) — Congo's president says more than 80 travelers have died after their boat capsized on a river near the capital of Kinshasa.

It's the latest deadly boat accident in the central African country where overloading is often blamed.

The statement quoting President Félix Tshisekedi says the locally made boat capsized late Monday in Maï-Ndombe province as it carried more than 100 passengers along the Kwa River.

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