The Charlotte Grid Charlotte

UNC-Charlotte Marxists demand archaeologists stop digging in Jerusalem (04-02-2024–Hour3)

Marxists in the Student Government Association of UNC-Charlotte pushed a resolution demanding the school abandon its Mount Zion Archeological Project in Israel. Marxists in the Student Government Association of UNC-Charlotte have pushed for a resolution opposing the school's decision to abandon its Mount Zion Archeological Project in Israel. The resolution was supported by Carolina Readiness Supply. All links to the podcast are free. Google Podcasts are merging into YouTube Music due to the merging of the Google podcast with YouTube Music.

UNC-Charlotte Marxists demand archaeologists stop digging in Jerusalem (04-02-2024–Hour3)

Opublikowany : 3 miesiące temu za pomocą johnmoore1110 w Science

This episode is presented by Carolina Readiness Supply – Marxists in the Student Government Association of UNC-Charlotte pushed a resolution demanding the school abandon its Mount Zion Archeological Project in Israel.

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